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Anastasia Ovsyannikova



"Fulfillment 4.0"
D40 cm

"Fulfillment 7.0"

D40 cm

"Fulfillment 10.0"
D40 cm

"Fulfillment 3"

"Fulfillment 5.0"
D40 cm

"Fulfillment 8.0"
D40 cm

"Fulfillment 1"

"Fulfillment 9.0"
D40 cm

"Fulfillment 2"

"Fulfillment 4"

Якорь 1


Anastasia Ovsyannikova (born in 1986, Moscow). The artist's artistic practice focuses on various media, including painting, graphics, sculpture, as well as the use of NFTs as a new and innovative art form.
The artist's recognizable style is relief and counter-relief multi-layered works. For the author, the idea of creating reliefs has a deep meaning, since they allow us to connect us with the ancient memory of all living things and convey the importance of an artistic message to the future generations. Anastasia Ovsyannikova is an encyclopedist with a wide range of knowledge in such areas as medicine, psychology, cosmology and esotericism.
programming, re crected her on sled of art aled missionary chil gial es, eh imof reminding the viewer of the creator's own nature.
The creative path of Anastasia Ovsyannikova is an example of the fusion of the unique abilities of a modern neuropsychologist with the formation of a professional artistic view of the impact of art on the individual and on the ways of establishing interaction with it.

Project “Fulfillment”

The Pertorming Project is a synthesis of my knowledge and experience in the arts and sciences.
In my artistic project, I continue my deep research into quantum art, neuroaesthetics and the symbolism of modern visual language. I use fish as an archetypal sign that is a powerful symbol of prosperity, creating an energetic message. In addition, I pay special attention to the psychology of color. The blue color brings out the energy of abundance and well-being, which helps the viewer perceive and interact with art works on a deeper level.
My works become a platform for dialogue between art and science. In my works I use texture paste, acrylic and aerosol paints to form counter-reliefs and various textures. These elements are directly related to fossils and rock art, creating associations with the ancient world. My works take us to the wonderful world of natural forms and imprints that are reflected in nature itself. I strive to convey the harmony of nature through the language of painting, combining traditional and modern artistic methods. The interplay of textures and shades in each composition creates a multifaceted experience, inviting the viewer to delve into the fundamental harmony of nature itself, reflected in my work.
Thus, I use art as a powerful tool that can influence the consciousness and subconscious of the viewer. I strive to help people achieve their desired results and find success and prosperity.
Through my art works I create emotional and energetic vibrations that inspire, motivate and activate a person's inner resources. My art becomes a powerful tool for transformation and growth, helping people realize their potential and achieve well-being.

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