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Art Russia

Art Russia is the largest Russian contemporary art fair and international art forum, uniting gallerists and independent artists, collectors and art market experts on one side in the center of Moscow.

Project "Man Playing"
The theme of childhood as a lens through which fundamental questions of metamodern psychology can be revealed. Through familiar and everyday subjects, we invite the viewer to reflect on deeply personal experiences. The artists explore the complex environment of modern man, where childhood is seen as a way of self-discovery. This project aims to explore the influence of childhood on the formation of our personalities and worldviews in adulthood. The artists address themes of memory, nostalgia and self-identification. The art works, exhibited in  “Man Playing” project invite viewers to introspect and reflect on their own childhood experiences. They provide an opportunity to rethink childhood and its impact on our adult lives, and to explore universal themes of human existence.

Thus, the "Man Playing" project invites dialogue about how childhood shapes us and how we can use this understanding for self-knowledge and personal growth.

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