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Elizaveta Pugacheva

110x100 cm

100x100 cm

"The harvest moon"

"Chasing the sun"

"Zero waste panel"

Якорь 1


Elizaveta Pugacheva is an Emirati artist who combines figurative and non-figurative art. She uses various media, such as acrylic painting, collages and art objects. In her practice, the artist explores the theme of migration. She discovered that emigration waves remain relevant today.
The subject of Elizaveta’s reflection is the importance of our connection with our roots and native land, even when we explore new habitats and immerse ourselves in a different reality. Her art works remind us that we should not forget our native roots. Our roots are the frame of our personality, which helps us navigate modern reality. In an extremely rapidly changing world, maintaining a connection with our roots becomes an integral part of the perception and disclosure of our identity. This connection provides us with a basis for understanding ourselves and our cultural identity.

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